EffecTech’s Global Gas and LNG (GGLNG) proficiency testing scheme enjoys global participation from Natural Gas and LNG companies, providing an international scope for inter-laboratory comparisons.

A sample GGLNG report can be downloaded here:

GGLNG Report

For more information, please contact us.

Frequency and benefits

Up to four different gas mixtures are sent to the participating laboratories for analysis. The scheme is run on a quarterly basis (January, April, July and October) giving regular opportunities for participation.

The four different gas mixture composition ranges are as follows:

Componentnatural gas / LNG composition(% mol/mol)Propane composition(% mol/mol)Mixed refrigerant(% mol/mol)Sulphur component mixture (μmol/mol)
nitrogen0.1 to 80.1 to 28 to 16
carbon dioxide0.1 to 8
ethane0.1 to 140.25 to 320 to 35
propane0.05 to 5balance5 to 15
iso-butane0.01 to 10.03 to 0.7
n-butane0.01 to 10.03 to 0.7
iso-pentane0.005 to 0.350.02 to 0.08
n-pentane0.005 to 0.350.02 to 0.08
hexane0.005 to 0.35
hydrogen sulphide1 to 10
carbonyl sulphide1 to 10
methyl mercaptan1 to 10
ethyl mercaptan1 to 10
dimethyl sulphide1 to 10
The natural gas / LNG composition in Q2 and Q4 will not contain carbon dioxide and the nitrogen amount fraction range will be 0.1 – 1 (%mol/mol)

Please see the following table to find out which items are supplied in each round:

natural gas / LNG Composition
propane compositionN/AN/AN/A
mixed refrigerant compositionN/AN/AN/A
sulphur component compositionN/AN/A


Participants are required to report the composition and an estimate of the uncertainty and some physical properties of the gas where appropriate using the reporting template.


Evaluation will be using ISO 17043 approved methods including En ratio and Z scores.


As mandated by ISO 17043, all data including participants and performance will be kept strictly confidential. Only the submitting laboratory will receive feedback on their performance. Performance data will be reported to the whole group anonymously.