If you measure LNG using a direct measurement analyser, you minimise the risks encountered with vaporisation and enrichment.

As daily calibrations cannot be carried out, the instrument needs to be validated when installed and then on a regular basis, to ensure no mismeasurements are made over its lifespan.

ISO 17025 calibration of direct measurement LNG analysers

For more information, or to send a RFQ, please contact us.

EffecTech holds ISO 17025 accreditation for the validation of LNG analysers in our bespoke cryostat facility, using liquified reference materials.   

Dr Joey Walker inserting a probe into the EffecTech cryostat

This accredited method provides, for the first time, metrological traceability for measuring LNG composition directly, ensuring your instrument is accurate and fit for purpose.

The liquid reference materials are cryogenically prepared using high quality, very low uncertainty Primary Reference Gas Mixtures (PRGM)s.

Case study: Ensuring confidence in liquid natural gas composition

Read the Euramet case study about EffecTech’s ISO 17025 accredited liquefier for the calibration of spectroscopic instruments, such as Raman, for measuring liquefied natural gas (LNG).

About validations

Watch our video of a validation of a direct measurement LNG analyser at EffecTech’s UKAS accredited ISO 17025 facility

   How the Cryostat works

The probe of the direct measurement analyser can be inserted into the cryostat, where the customer-specified reference gas mixture is condensed into LNG, making it suitable for direct liquid measurement. These measurements can then be used to calibrate or validate the analyser.

Other EffecTech Products and services for LNG

EffecTech also offers

  • calibration gases
  • performance evaluations and inspections
  • LNG sampling system inspections
  • Global Gas and LNG proficiency testing scheme (GGLNG)